In Memoriam

Gone, But Never Forgotten

Welcome to the in memoriam page of Pepper's Senior Dog Sanctuary, a special place dedicated to the cherished memories of our beloved senior canine residents who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Here, we honor and celebrate their lives, their unique stories, and the joy they brought into our world.

  • pepper pepper's senior dog sanctuary 501c3 nonprofit colorado

    Pepper, Our Namesake

    Pepper was a Pomeranian mix who spent his early life navigating years of neglect and heartbreak.

  • winston pepper's senior dog sanctuary 501c3 nonprofit colorado


    Warrior Winston was our first rescue dog at the sanctuary, and his plight was tremendous.

  • snickers pepper's senior dog sanctuary 501c3 nonprofit colorado


    Snickers' signature trademark was her tongue that spent its days hanging outside of her mouth.

  • oso peppers senior dog sanctuary littleton colorado


    Oso was a rescue dog who lived to be a remarkable nineteen years old!

  • kai peppers senior dog sanctuary littleton colorado


    Kai was an appreciative, mostly toothless Pekingese fellow who was about fifteen-years-old.

  • mavis peppers senior dog sanctuary littleton colorado


    Pepper's had the privilege to have this little lady with us for even a very short time.

  • pennie peppers senior dog sanctuary littleton colorado


    Pennie had the ability to look at us and smile: a full-on grin that screamed, 'I'm home, I'm happy, I'm loved!'.

  • coco peppers senior dog sanctuary littleton colorado


    Coco had a few minor medical issues but trucked daily and got along so well with the rest of the pack.

  • elsie peppers senior dog sanctuary littleton colorado


    This little mostly-blind lady was quite possibly the sweetest animal we have yet to encounter.

  • mugzee peppers senior dog sanctuary littleton colorado


    Mugzee was a character with human eyes and the grace of a distinguished gentleman.

  • buddy peppers senior dog sanctuary littleton colorado


    With an oversized tail and a T-Rex-sized loving heart, Buddy was a clumsy, bouncy Labrador-Mastiff mix.

  • captain janeway peppers senior dog sanctuary littleton colorado

    Captain Janeway

    Captain Janeway was an old night owl gal who loved people and knew what she liked.

  • poncho peppers senior dog sanctuary littleton colorado


    Poncho was filled with relentless energy, a small yet mighty little dynamo.

  • maggie peppers senior dog sanctuary littleton colorado


    Maggie was a Spaniel mix and a big little ball of energy who loved spending all her time with Bruno.

  • ivory peppers senior dog sanctuary littleton colorado


    Ivory was a gorgeous lab mix who spent most of her life with someone who was unhoused.

  • Piper

    Our resident English Bulldog absolutely adores all humans and any food equally, with all of her heart.

  • Red

    Red is thought to be a Great Pyrenees Mix who is at least 11 years old. This gentle giant comes to us from Cortez!

  • Sophie

    Sophie is a little Shih Tzu that came from Denver Dumb Friends League in June of 2022.

  • Nyla

    Nyla was our perfect little sanctuary greeter.

  • Buffy

    Buffy was a proud member of our Golden Girls.

  • Crystal

    Crystal was a 15 year old West Highland Terrier. She was rescued by the National Mill Dog Rescue after 14 years 11 months and 26 days, likely in a breeding cage measuring 30” by 30”. Crystal was born on 12/17/2008

  • Harry

    Harry was a funny old man and Pepper’s original Buddy.

  • Edith

    Edith was the smallest pup with the biggest personality.

  • Butch

    Butch was a wonderful pup that came to us from our friends at NMDR. He loved sunbathing and relaxing.

  • Taves

    Taves was a super sweet, energetic, playful, amazing dog.

  • Marvin

    Marvin was a super sweet, sometimes grumpy old man with a big heart.

  • Chonk

    Chonk, a pawtastic possibly Puggle mix, was built like a perfect, scrumptious loaf of bread.