
Qualities - This boy came to us from a rescue in Trinidad, ready to love and make us laugh! His glossy black coat and permanent smile are paired with the benevolent protection of his humans. Have you ever met a dog that will go potty on demand? Rado is such a good boy that he always goes when asked, especially by his dad. We are lucky to have this energetic senior who keeps the pack feeling young, humans and dogs alike! ⁠

Occupation - Chairman of the Donkey Greeting Committee

Likes/Dislikes - Rado's hobbies include perpetual excitement, greeting the donkeys, finding shade, and swimming any chance he gets. Rado uses his eyes to communicate, looking up at you with all the expressions of a trained actor.

S.A.S.S.-ability - You can sponsor Rado! Sponsoring a senior dog at PSDS offers the food, vaccines, medications and comfort these friends need during their Golden Years. This monthly gift offers not just hope...but a home, to these pups on their good days, their bad days, and their last days.