Lil Sis

Qualities - Lil Sis came to us from an overcrowded shelter in Cortez. She is most likely some sort of Shepherd Mix and is at least 14 years old. Lil Sis came to us very timid and hid to avoid any touch. She was very malnourished and had terrible teeth where many infected resulting in 14 tooth extractions. With those painful teeth gone and being fed four times a day plus treats, Sis is much happier. She has the most beautiful eyes and with her age and mellow temperament, she was introduced to Buffy and Nyla with the group being nicknamed “the Golden Girls” and seems very, very happy with her new lot in life. 

While still shy and cautious, her curiosity is helping her to try new things like being pet and scratched. She is hiding less often and is learning to trust. This is such an amazing thing to be able to witness!

Occupation - As Lil Sis comes out of her shell, she prefers the safety of being a remote worker which allows her to stay home where she feels safest.

Likes/Dislikes - Lil Sis loves her new diet and especially loves regular meals and treats. She needs to gain weight and is so happy to predict when food is coming. She loves quiet, calm people who move slowly around her and talk in a quiet and gentle voice. She loves the companionship of Buffy and Nyla and is getting much more comfortable with people being around her. She is no longer hiding and she makes eye contact now which we love! 

After a week she came up to a staff member and gave him a lick. We are so excited to watch her blossom. It has already started and we feel she is just beginning to grow. Great food, medical care, therapies and calm gentle people will be a huge help on her journey here at Pepper’s! 

S.A.S.S.-ability - You can sponsor Lil Sis! Sponsoring a senior dog at PSDS offers the food, vaccines, medications and comfort these friends need during their Golden Years. This monthly gift offers not just hope...but a home, to these pups on their good days, their bad days, and their last days.