
Qualities – Faye is a 12 year old mix breed dog. We aren’t sure what breeds she is, but we know for a fact that she is 100% adorable! She came to us from DDFL due to mammary masses. These were removed shortly after she arrived. We are hopeful that removal of these masses will allow her to live a long life with us, as surgery removes the risk of cancer the majority of the time. Regardless, she will be loved and cherished for whatever time she has with us. We are true believers in Pepper’s Magic and know that high quality nutrition, massage, underwater treadmill, laser treatments, etc allow our dogs to have wonderful qualities of life!

Occupation –  Faye has been hired to be our goat wrangler and advocate. She loves the goats and is trying to help other residents, like Bruce, realize how special they are.

Likes/Dislikes – Faye is such a fun girl! She loves people and is up for anything with them. She adores long walks and jumps into the golf carts for rides. She is more tentative with other dogs so introductions are being done slowly and carefully as we want all our dogs to feel safe and loved. She is very inquisitive and curious. She loves all kinds of food. Faye is a special girl who we love sharing life with. We hope you will love her as much as we do!