
Qualities – Get ready to fall in love with Bruce! He is a very handsome Chihuahua whose age was given to us as 15, but we wonder if he might be a bit younger. Bruce came from DDFL and is a curious, friendly and silly boy who loves to ride in the stroller but, watch out goats! His inner Bruce Wayne comes out when he sees those horned beings. He is not a fan! He has a lot of energy for an older boy with some clear ortho issues as well as other health issues, which may explain why he tires fairly quickly. While he tires from walking and playing, he doesn’t seem to tire from snuggles and love.

Occupation – Bruce is the first to admit that since coming to Pepper’s that he is having a bit of an identity crisis. All his life he has felt he was named for Bruce Wayne and has tried to live up to Batman’s standards. Now, at Pepper’s he is seen as an unusually loving Chi chi. Everyone swoons over him and calls him Romeo. He is loving this all. While he was job hunting he decided that a handsome hero that saves the downtrodden is the right job for him. Why settle for one occupation when you can be a very loving and brave superhero! When you meet him, you will see that the kisses are FREE!

Likes/Dislikes – Bruce loves to snuggle on laps, to play with toys and to explore his new kingdom via his Batmobile (which is what he calls his stroller). He loves people and is such a lover. He can’t wait to snuggle on your lap and smother you with kisses. This happy and resilient boy is a true hero and we are so happy that we get to enjoy him and learn from his sweetness and love here at Pepper’s.